The Jasmine Dragon in the end, maybe a place all Avatar fans wanted to visit? Venture in have a splendid tea brewed by Uncle Iroh himself and maybe even get some sage advice from him. Well now it is possible to get some teas similar to the ones Uncle Iroh may have sold in his shop!
Recently I personally have been getting into teas and so I’ve been venturing around looking into preparation styles as well as different ones. In doing so I stumbled upon https://www.adagio.com/. It is a loose-leaf gourmet tea company. Which is the type of tea that Iroh would have served. They have many teas as well as products to make, keep and store teas.

One of the fun things I found on this site, they have themed teas. You can find teas related to Uncle Iroh and other characters from the shows if you follow this link: https://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/fandoms.html?letter=A
This site has many fandoms listed and you can find most of any of your choosing but if you peruse Uncle Iroh’s tea’s I’m sure that you might find some that the man himself would approve!
So take a leaf from Uncle Iroh’s cup; while you wait for the new Netflix live action reboot of the beloved series, and settle into some tea!