The Summer movie season is kinda almost upon us and of course Marvel is primed to have another phenomenal year.
We all know Avengers: EndGame is the Belle of the ball, but what happens after the camera fades to black? Believe me, there are many theories as to where the MCU goes once Thanos has been defeated. And in the months ahead our Twitter feeds are going to be filled with them.
Now here’s the beautiful thing about fan theories, they make for some real solid food for thought. Even if they are way far out there, these people who come up with this stuff put real effort into their pieces. Digging in the trenches for that one sentence that one person said on that one day back in 2017. True heroes of the internet, hell I’m not going to do it.
Which brings me to the topic of discussion for today brought to us by the folks at They reported on January 15th that Spider-Man: Far From Home or as I like to call it the “Sex & The City 2 of the superhero genre” will begin just a few minutes after the closing of Avengers: EndGame. Okay, if true, the news is semi-spoilerific, but it’s not like leaking Tony Stark dying in a quarrel with Star Lord.
The source of the information comes from a quote made by Sony producer Amy Pascal who in a 2017 interview said the upcoming Spider-Man movie “will start a few minutes after Avengers 4 wraps as a story”.
I’m assuming EndGame will have one of those Lord Of The Rings trilogy endings that takes a half hour giving each hero a moment in the sun. If Peter Parker simply returns to his normal life, this theory seems totally plausible. Or what I’m thinking is Far From Home starts with a quick post Thanos update, then flash forward a couple months or whatever.
Remember to take this news with a grain of salt but I feel it’s worth noting. Because as the fan theories keep rolling in, one of them is going to be right.
By Adam Chmielewski
Photo Credits- Disney
Do you have any crazy MCU fan theories? Let Nerdbot know in the comments!!