Author: Nerd Voices

Here at Nerdbot we are always looking for fresh takes on anything people love with a focus on television, comics, movies, animation, video games and more. If you feel passionate about something or love to be the person to get the word of nerd out to the public, we want to hear from you!

The PS Vita wasn’t the most successful portable system of all time, but it certainly had some of the best portable games ever made. That’s because the PS Vita didn’t compromise on graphics, content, or gameplay. Indeed, more than any other system than maybe the Nintendo Switch, the PS Vita did an amazing job of bringing home console-level gaming to portable systems. To supplement this system with a convenient and quality headset, you don’t have to spend a fortune, too. You may get some ideas from this list: A huge hit in Japan, the system just didn’t catch on in…

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The tips and tricks are never-ending, but they are essential if you are a novice Photographer. So today you will see some basic photo editing tips for beginning photographers. Nowadays, photo editing becomes the most significant part of photography (especially in product photography). Although you have a natural point & shoot camera or the top line digital camera, always you can get some essential photo editing tips beneficial in increasing the artistic side of your photographs. A good image, of course, gives a good message to the customer. We all want a good photo with great admiration as well. Enhancing…

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Competing against the Nintendo DS when it came out, the PSP was Sony’s attempt at a portable console and it succeeded but not in terms of overcoming the juggernaut that is Nintendo’s handheld division. Offering markedly superior graphics to those offered on the DS, the PSP also hewed more closely to traditional gameplay modes. Whereas the DS incorporated the stylus and even voice controls to some extent, the PSP positioned itself as a multimedia game machine. In an era before ubiquitous smartphones and the like, the PSP was a unique proposition and one that attracted a large following. Other games…

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When you think of a superhero, what is the typical image that enters your mind? Chances are, you’re thinking of someone muscular or fit, conventionally good looking, and strong. We’ve all seen the superhero stereotypes in action for years. Even before superhero movies were created, comic books developed depictions of heroes who were practically impossible for the human form to achieve. Today’s Marvel and DC Comic actors have to put in a lot of work to get the physiques needed to “look” like a hero. Unfortunately, there’s a problem with that. While efforts have been made in recent years to…

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By James L Garza II New Line just green lit another project based on Stephen King’s “The Long Walk.”  This was one of the stories that was written under the pseudonym Richard Bauchman, and is about a future where young boys must continue walking until there is only one left.  There is only one rule, keep walking above 4 miles an hour. Because after 3 warnings you are retired, if you get my drift. The story is beautifully dark and disturbing and proved that Stephen King is much more than a horror writer.  Or perhaps that the scariest thing is…

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Whether your home is filled with all sorts of high-tech and voice-activated gizmos and gadgets, or its “only” electronics are smartphones, iPads, and gaming systems, it’s necessary for the overall well-being of your children and the strength of your family unit, that you set — and steadfastly adhere to — screen time limits. Before you have a discussion with your children about their screen time limits, however, keep in mind that screen time refers to the time you will allow them to be: on a smartphone playing a game or texting their friendson a gaming systemwatching their favorite movie (again)channel…

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The Sony PlayStation changed the game forever when it entered the console wars back in 1994. Nothing less than a sea change with its 3D graphics and CD-ROMs, the PlayStation challenged the notion that the console wars was a two-horse race and eventually dethroned Nintendo and defeated Sega to claim the crown for the 32-bit generation. One of the bread-and-butter genres of that era was the platformer game. Think Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog. Sony had to have their own lineup of hot platformer titles, and we’ll tell you about them in this article. If you want to…

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By: Frankie Wallace Back in the days of Atari and the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), we found out about games and playability via occasional TV commercials, newspaper inserts, and things our fellow neighbors and classmates said. In the age of social media, all of the gaming is online, and that shapes the impact of public opinion on the video game industry in major ways. Now, we connect, compete, collaborate, and chat online and in real time. Social Media and Gaming: The Addiction Factor Social media and gaming have one major thing in common: we use them out of habit…

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By Frankie Wallace The use of drones is nothing new. In fact, different versions of drones with the ability to take aerial footage has been around since the early 1900s. But, they have seen a surge in popularity in recent years thanks to technological advances and the ability to easily use cameras with drones. The Federal Aviation Administration estimates that the sales of recreational drones will reach 7 million by the year 2020. People have gained an interest in using drones for filming and taking pictures because they allow even “amateur flyers” to film amazing scenery from angles and locations…

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By Frankie Wallace Avengers: Endgame was just released, and even in its opening night, it broke box office records. The big draw shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Superhero movies have become a main staple in Hollywood, with both Marvel and DC comics releasing movie variations on some of their favorite characters. These movies have become huge successes, and production companies show no signs of slowing down production on superhero movies any time soon. But, one thing these action-pack movies all seem to lack is a sense of diversity. This is true when it comes to different races, but…

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