For many a year, toaster waffles were accompanied by the phrase, “Hey, l’eggo my Eggo!.” Yeah, attempted waffle stealing was rampant in the 90s. That advertising campaign has been embedded into many a person’s memory and has cemented Eggo as the dominant waffle brand. It’s also a given fact that waffles and ice cream go together, that’s why we have waffle cones. And while this isn’t quite the combination it could’ve been, this Eggo ice cream is sure to hit the spot.

Eggo has three flavors you can enjoy in both pint and sandwich form. You’ve got blueberry, buttery maple, and chocolatey chip. That’s a great trio. When you think of waffles, those are the three main things you think of, maple syrup, blueberries, and chocolate chips. We talk about a lot of strange blends of foods, but this one alongside the Post Malone Oreo collaboration are two of the better ideas we’ve come across lately. Sure beats the hell out of that ranch dressing ice cream.

That’s not all! Kellogg’s, the company that owns Eggo, is putting another of their products into ice cream as well. Rice Krispies cereal will also be found in pint and ice cream sandwich form. Your options are slightly less varied when it come to them though. If you want a pint, you can only get regular Rice Krispies in there. If you’re up for an ice cream sandwich though you can opt for strawberry and triple chocolate to mix things up a bit.

If you want to track down some of these wonderful morsels, all you have to do is head to your local Kroger, Albertson’s, and Walmart. We don’t have an official release date for the frozen sweets but they’re said to be rolling out in the coming weeks. We can already feel our collective blood sugar spiking.