Netflix has announced the subject for season 3 of the Ryan Murphy co-created series “Monster.” The show’s third season will center around American serial killer Ed Gein who will be played by Charlie Hunnam (““Sons of Anarchy,” “Pacific Rim“). The announcement was made during a promotional event for the upcoming second season, which focuses on Lyle and Erik Menendez and the murder of their parents.
Ed Gein
Gein will be the second Wisconsin-based serial killer featured on “Monster,” following Jeffrey Dahmer in the first season. Gein became infamous in the 1950s when police discovered that he had killed multiple people as well as dug up several graves from the local cemetery. He would pilfer various parts of these human bodies to create household items like lamps and a skin suit.
This macabre case has already inspired Norman Bates in “Psycho” and Buffalo Bill in “Silence of the Lambs.” Along with several films called “Ed Gein” directly based on his life.
Season 2 of “Monster” about the Menendez brothers will premiere on Netflix on September 19th. Season 3 about Ed Gein has no set release date just yet. We’ll keep you posted on updates as they become available.