In 1995, “Xena: Warrior Princess” starring Lucy Lawless first hit the air. The series was a spin-off of the Kevin Sorbo-led “Hercules: The Legendary Journeys.” While the two leads had a civil relationship in front of the camera, over the decades Lawless and Sorbo have often butted heads over their political views. Many of these spats have taken place publicly on X (formally Twitter).
The latest of these dust-ups started on August 8th, when Sorbo made a post saying Vice President Kamala Harris should use the “N-word” to let the public decide if she “really is black.”
The next day Lawless posted a response to Peanut, her nickname for Sorbo, calling out his racist comment.
About an hour later she posted a behind-the-scenes story about Sorbo standing up “for a black man against white people,” during one of her appearances on “Hercules.” The shoot was taking place soon after the brutal murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman. When Lawless brought up the case Sorbo defended their suspected murder, the late OJ Simpson, by saying Brown was “no picnic” and “ a piece of work.”
Simpson was famously acquitted of all charges after a lengthy and highly public trial. Despite the verdict, many still believe he is guilty of these crimes.
While Lawless brought this up as a sarcastic example of Sorbo standing up for a black man. Many commentators are finding his implication that Brown somehow deserved to be killed the more disturbing part of this exchange.
On August 10th, Sorbo responded to the backlash against his comment with a Schrodinger’s douchebag defense. Apparently, we have all just lost our sense of humor at his clearly hilarious joke.
We honestly aren’t sure how a white man telling a black woman to use a racial slur to somehow prove her blackness bombed as a joke. It’s not you Seymour, it’s the children who are wrong.