A loved one passing is hard on any family, and spreading their ashes can help process that grief. There is a time and place for these memorials, and none of them should be an amusement park ride. A post by a now-deleted account on Reddit alleges that someone spread ashes on the Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance ride at Disneyland.

There is no denying Disney fans are some of the most die-hard out there. So much so, that spreading ashes within the park is prohibited. But in a large amusement park bustling with activity, catching everyone doing something against the rules is impossible. Until it completely shuts down one of the most popular rides due to a hazmat team needing to clean up.
A Reddit post made on March 17th contained an image with a caption that read “Had to clean some ashes today.” The picture shows a dusty section of the Rise of the Resistance ride, and the work lights appear to be on. Indicating that the photo was taken while the ride was closed for maintenance.

The poster never confirmed how they got the picture, but it’s assumed they are a member of the Disneyland staff, known as a ‘cast member.’ The comments section quickly became other current and former cast members explaining how often something like this happens, and why it is such an issue.
In cases with trackless rides, like Rise of Resistance, the vehicle paths must stay clear at all times. This is one of the major reasons park guests are advised against littering during rides. Since liter creates hazards that can shut rides down for hours while staff clean them. The specific issue with ashes from cremation is that it’s human remains, and considered biohazardous material. Only a specially trained crew can clean it, causing the ride to be shut down for even longer. When you factor in that these crews are going to vacuum up these remains and throw them away, it doesn’t sound like such a fitting tribute anymore, does it?
Spreading ashes while a ride is in motion will also get them all over fellow passengers. As one commenter pointed out, this could possibly cause an asthma attack in riders with certain repertory issues. Not to mention breathing in the remains of someone’s cremated body is just plain icky.
There are plenty of ways to celebrate a deceased loved one’s passions without creating a biohazard. While Disney parks are often known for going out of their way to accommodate guests, there is a limit.
Representatives for Disneyland have not confirmed or denied the story.