Legendary soft drink maker Jones Soda Co. has announced a line of carbonated beverages for your dog. The sodas will come in three pup-friendly flavors: beef, chicken, and turkey & gravy. These new drinks are partially the brain-child of Chief Bark Officer, MaryJane, the company’s 8-year-old office dog.

“We here at Jones love our four-legged friends as much as the next person,” the company says on its website. “…when the crew would get together and enjoy some Jones, we always felt there had to be a way to get MaryJane involved in the soda-sippin experience,” reads the website. “So, the mad scientists we have working behind the scenes developed a beverage that is just as tasty for dogs as JONES Soda is for humans. And, to top it off, we added a pinch of good-for-you stuff to keep their joints jumping. So if you love Jones, and you love Dogs, you are in the right spot.”

Of course the new flavors feature Jones’ iconic black-and-white labels. The company is even offering the ability to customize your order with your dog on the label! Each of Jones’ new K9-centric sodas is available to pre-order on their website and will ship by December 15th.
Each 4-pack will run you $24.99, but can you really put a price on sharing a drink with your best friend?