Skateboarder and “Jackass” star Bam Margera has threatened to “smoke crack until I’m dead,” unless his estranged wife Nikki Boyd allows him to see their son, Phoenix. He posted (a now deleted) video to social media saying he hadn’t seen his five-year-old son since March.

“I haven’t seen Phoenix in two fucking months and I am so fucking fed up,” Margera said in the video. “I cry every day, I miss him so much and I know I have to wake up every day knowing that I probably won’t get to talk to him or see him.”
He then goes on to blame Boyd and members of his family for his lapse back into drinking. “So yes Nicki drives me to fucking drink, so does my fucking mom and so does my fucking pep-talking dad who tells me nothing but I am a fucking fat loser piece of shit drug addict.” During this part of the video, Margera also claims that his brother Jesse stole his home, known as “Castle Bam.”
While he doesn’t go into specifics on how Jesse did this. Most are assuming it stems from the arrest warrant Margera turned himself in for at the end of April. When a domestic disturbance between Bam, Jesse, and others in the household led to charges of simple assault, harassment, and four charges of terroristic threats “with intention to terrorize another.” Since it’s alleged Bam threatened to kill everyone in the house. So if Jesse or another member of the family took out some kind of restraining or protective order, it would explain these remarks.
“I am going to smoke crack with the bums down at the boardwalk until I am dead or unless you deliver me fucking Phoenix,” Margera posted. “So get to work Nicki or anybody that wants to help. I want Phoenix.” His legal team is claiming that Nikki won’t even allow him to FaceTime with Phoenix.
This is the latest instance in a string of worrying behaviors. This video comes just days after Nikki filed documents seeking sole physical and legal custody over Phoenix. As well as $15k a month in child support. In those same documents, she does say visitation can be on the table. With the conditions, it’s supervised and Margera completes rehab programs for drug and alcohol abuse. Both supervised visits and rehabilitation are common conditions for visitation with a parent who has a history of substance abuse.

Sadly, this outburst will probably be counterproductive to him seeking visitation. “Unfortunately, that’s not how the addictions work,” Nikki’s attorney, David Glass, told TMZ. “People’s behavior does not drive others to drink. This is a typical defense mechanism, and it shows that Bam may not have learned much in his past addiction’s treatment. You have to take responsibility for your own actions. Nikki sincerely hopes that Bam can first achieve and then maintain sobriety, for his own good, and for the good of their son.”
While we cannot imagine how painful it must be for Margera to deal with addiction, while also missing his son. As Glass points out, this is a very common behavior among people with issues with addiction. Lashing out in anger at those that hurt you (real or perceived) is also common human behavior. While understandable, none of this is making Margera look like he is actively working on recovery. Even though he may be. This behavior is fueling the belief that he may not be a safe person to be around his son.
We truly hope that Margera is able to overcome his issues with substance abuse. For the sake of those that love him, but mostly for himself.
You can see the full video here. But be advised the audio is NSFW and his statements may be triggering to some.