Nerdbot loves nostalgia. We’re always on the lookout to report on the charming and serotonin-boosting. The 80s was a time when your favorite characters warned children and viewers of the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and smoking. So there’s a definite vintage charm to a PSA starring “Star Wars” droids C3P0 and R2D2 outlining the dangers of cigarettes.
The minute-long video focuses on C3P0 busy with some business or other before wondering where R2D2’s gotten to. The little trash can-shaped droid is hiding while he hums contentedly, smoke pluming from the alcove. Upon being discovered, 3P0 becomes incensed, as only the golden British droid can. R2D2 is smoking! The horror! He quickly quashes R2’s perspective on smoking. That it’s “grown up” and cool. R2 promptly puts out the cigarette, thoroughly chided.
Despite how silly it might seem, we actually greatly appreciate the way this video is presented. It doesn’t talk down to the viewer, considering that young children and teens are who this was likely made for. True, 3P0 makes the claim that smoking is bad for you, but he then addresses the viewer and instills confidence that the person watching already knows this. Which, for a child, would do the job of making them feel special for knowing it’s bad.
We sometimes miss commercials like this. The need to inform has become extremely lacking in today’s media. Even educating using the simplest terms is effective for influencing a child’s perspective. So having the persnickety droid telling kids smoking is bad for the heart and lungs is simple, but effective. Thanks for the info, 3P0.
[Also, there’s a “Star Wars” childhood vaccination PSA (how timely), and a drunk driving one as well.]