Rest assured, the animated adaptation of Robert Kirkman‘s comic book series “Invincible” is coming back. In fact, renewed up to season 3. Which means plenty of room to pick and choose the stories in the popular comic series. So no worries there. The real question is when will we see it?? Amazon Studios head Vernon Sanders was…squirrley on the answer.
Despite a little bit of a rocky start with season 1, the series has done phenomenally well. Animated by Skybound Animation, feeling reminiscent of the Justice League cartoon, the series takes superheroism and dunks it in a giant vat of reality. Mark Grayson (Steven Yeun) has to navigate late-blooming powers, relationships, and college on top of trying to be a hero of childhood dreams.
Unfortunately, it’s not glorious or fun. Fights between super powered humans cause property damage and human casualties happen no matter how many people you try to save. Worse still, his father Omni-Man (J.K. Simmons) turns out to be a mass murderer and has only been sent to Earth to prepare it for subjugation. Everything Mark knows is a lie, and the series finale ends very much with a “what now?”
All Sanders could really confirm was that we’ll see season 2 sometime next year. He promised 2023 will be a big year for Amazon.
For those of us that haven’t read the comics, we’re waiting with bated breath to see what’s going to happen next. And we’re very excited to know season 2 and 3 are a sure thing. We just hope we get it sooner rather than later!