One YouTuber based out of Taipei has done something amazing by making a stroller for his fish. Huang ‘Jerry’ Xiaojie developed and built a pod that would give his pets a smooth ride, and an amazing 360 degree view.
Xiaojie carefully put this special machine together. It includes a battery-powered filtration system, an air pump and even a lighting system. Many onlookers were stunned and amused to see him walk by with his pets. Some even said that when he turned the light on it went from funny to hilarious. Imagine seeing this in the wild!
Xiaojie took the stroller out in the local market, and was able to make a multitude of memories with his fish. Like eating stall food next to them while still hot and fresh. I don’t know what he was eating, but hopefully it wasn’t fish, because then that’s just morbid.