It’s a bittersweet thing to see an actor end their time as a favorite character. With someone like Jamie Lee Curtis and “Halloween,” it’s more than just an on-going film series. David Gordon Green‘s upcoming “Halloween Ends,” as you can guess by the title, is set to be the end for at least Laurie Strode, if not the franchise in general.
Today, Curtis took to her Instagram to share some photos and parting thoughts on the film that launched her career.

A bittersweet END for me on the Halloween movies. I’ve made great friends and have collaborated with wonderful artists on these three movies and today my part in the film has been completed and with it the END for me of this trilogy. It’s all because of the fans who have always supported me and more importantly, Laurie, and the creative teams at BLUMHOUSE @blumhouse TRANCAS, MIRAMAX @miramax , ROUGHHOUSE @roughhousepictures and UNIVERSAL @universalpictures and my Strode Strong women, Judy @missjudygreer Andi @andimatichak and Kyle @kylerichards18 as well as my nemesis, James @jamesjudecourtney
Here are a few images that will remind me of the wonderful time we all had. I love this crew and cast and I will miss you all.
We can’t wait for the fans to see the movie. You’re going to #LYM @halloweenmovie #wearelauriestrode
One big thing to note though- she does say the “END for me of this trilogy.” Which could be taken to mean that someday, Laurie Strode might return.
“Halloween Ends” is due to hit theaters on October 14th, 2022.