When coordinating an outfit in Florida, make sure you dress for falling iguanas. It sounds bizarre but it’s not uncommon. When temperatures get below 40° Fahrenheit, iguanas and other reptiles can become immobile. They can even fall from high places if that’s where they are perched. It’s still 100% the weirdest thing to think about though. I mean what do you do for that? Do they make iguana-proof umbrellas?
This isn’t the first time residents have been warned of falling iguanas. Back in 2020 during another cold snap, officials warned that it could happen as well. I don’t remember any reports about injuries from falling iguanas so that’s good.
But if you do come across one, please leave them be. Or move them to a safe space. They’re not dead and once things warm up they will recover rather quickly.
They are not native to the area, which is why they can’t handle the cold temperature that Florida can get down to.
Just last year, Florida banned the sale or purchase of iguanas because they are such an invasive species. One loophole now though may be that it just “fell on you” and became your pet. Kind of like the old “It followed me home” line I tried to use on my parents when I found a cat in the trash.