“Unsolved Mysteries” is a theme song that resonates with the people of my generation. Sometimes it will just play in my head for no apparent reason. That and the battle music cue that a wild Pokémon has appeared from the Gameboy edition. I WISH I could tell you why, but it’s just one of the ways my brain is broken.
So, check out this heavy metal cover of the iconic tune that you just have to hear to believe. It totally works!
ERock uploaded his version of the song and it’s got us all rockin’.
Hi all!
So I’ve watched this show since basically I was born. And I won’t lie, Robert Stack used to scare the absolute shit outta me haha. The theme though…..mmm mmmmmmmm. I really wanted to do it straight up, ya know the drums at the beginning, but I thought it would have a nice lil twisty feel if it started off like Angels Dont Kill. Thanks so much for everything. I’ve said it before…you rock my casbah.
Much love E
ERock on YouTube