Its always kinda fun when big companies celebrate nerdy things. Sure, May the 4th is one of those Hallmark holidays, created to celebrate all things “Star Wars.” But, that doesn’t we don’t really enjoy celebrating it each and every year. This morning, The Weather Channel got in on the fun by releasing detailed forecasts for some notable locations from a galaxy far, far away.
Obviously, Tatooine looks pretty toasty for the next few days, but pretty good for this time of year, all things considered.
Better make sure your tauntaun is all ready to go, because Hoth has a high of -40, and a low of -90.
While Dagobah is pretty humid, you can’t beat those temperatures.
The Forest Moon sure looks nice, too.
No wonder Obi Wan wanted the high ground…thats….way too freaking hot.
Anyhow, thanks The Weather Channel!
If you could visit ANY planet in “Star Wars,” where would you go? What would you do?