If you ever needed MORE proof that Hugh Jackman was a stand up guy how about this. During this pandemic he has been volunteering his time helping to harvest food at “Share the Harvest” fields. He posted on twitter a photo of himself dressed up and working to bring food to those that need it most.
He says, “I’ve been volunteering at Share The Harvest Farm. An amazing organization that helps feed families in need on the East End of Long Island. To learn more, go to https://sharetheharvestfarm.org/farm-stand“
Share the Harvest is located in the Hamptons and their mission is this:
Our mission is to grow high-quality produce for donation to local food pantries and other organizations, to increase access for all to healthy products, and to raise awareness about food insecurity on the East End.
It’s a good thing to be able to donate to things like food pantries, especially when people need it the most. Hunger is a problem that is always an issue but has been exacerbated by the pandemic. If more people could donate to local food pantries and there was more information about them available it would definitely be for the better.
During hard times I too have been to a food pantry and it honestly was completely life saving. So knowing that Hugh Jackman is working to do this is especially heartwarming.
You can check out the website for Share the Harvest by clicking the link here.