In this new era of facemasks, our iPhones refuse to recognize our faces and unlock automatically. Instead, they make us wait a few seconds before the screen prompts for a passcode. However, Apple has rolled out an easier way to unlock your iPhone while wearing a facemask.
Last Wednesday, a software update for the IOS 13.5 became available to the public. With the update, iPhones are able to recognize that a face mask is being worn and immediately ask for the passcode. The wait time while it tries to detect your face is eliminated.
Along with the face mask fix, the new software update includes new API software.
“Which supports apps from public health authorities that notify users if they have come into contact with a person who has Covid-19.”
CNN Business
This is a part of Apple and Google’s partnership in their efforts against COVID-19, which utilizes Bluetooth to track the virus and its exposure.
Do you like this new feature on the iPhone? Let us know in the comments!