Ever since Toys R Us closed there has been a void. You can’t just go look for some cool Disney stuff without going to a park, or going to a Disney Store. The problem with that is one, if you don’t have a park ticket and you have kids get ready for whining. And two some of the Disney stores are really spread apart. Now Target will be solving all of our problems by launching 25 mini Disney stores inside select locations starting October 4th. And we’re all willing to take that journey to visit one.

It’s going to be new and exciting. They will have specialized products just for the Target stores including toys, games, clothing and home decor. They will have a variety of 450 items to choose from and will have all the major licenses available. That means Disney, Star Wars and Marvel. They are planning on opening 45 more stores within stores next October. So they will be expanding this section quite quickly in the scheme of things.

They will have dedicated areas for photos, a place where we can watch Disney movie clips and interactive displays. Target was already a place where you could accidentally spend hours, now it may be even harder for us to find a reason to leave. If they put chairs in there, we’re never going home.
The only question that hasn’t been answered is whether or not we get a discount if we use our Disney credit card. Or if they will be offering the Target card as well as the Disney card at check out. Whatever the case is, we’re gonna be screwed. And totally buy it all.