Next month the Derby Canal Days Festival is coming to Hollywood to give us a sneak peak into IT Chapter Two. This immersive pop up event will open to the public on August 15th.
In 2017 on the corner of Hollywood and Vine, the Neibolt House made an appearance in an pop up event. If you are not familiar, the Neibolt House is the crumbling manor in which Pennywise calls home. This event consisted of a 7 minute study in coulrophobia, if you dared enter this building. This year’s pop up event will be featured in same area, but with a different experience then the previous one.
Little information is given into what this event will consist of. What we do know is guests will go through 10 different interactive spaces over a span only 40 minutes. This event is considerably longer than 2017’s event. This is supposed to give us a peak into the the upcoming movie that will be released in theaters September 6th.
A new trailer released at Comic Con, at the 59 second marker we get a peak at a creepy carnival. This event will run from August 15 – September 8th; hours will be 2-11pm daily. Reservations are free and will be available online July 31st. If you don’t happen to stay a spot you can join the line outside. Minors must be accompanied by adults.
Are you planning on going to this pop up event? Let Nerdbot know in the comments.