Keya Morgan was arrested on Saturday in Arizona due to outstanding warrants from the Los Angeles Police Department. He was taken into custody by the Los Angeles Police Department Commercial Crimes detectives in collaboration with the Scottsdale PD.
He is waiting extradition to Los Angeles and bail is set at $300,000 dollars.
The warrants that he has are listed as being for:
False Imprisonment – Elder Adult
Three counts of grand theft from an Elder or Dependent Adult
Special aggravated white collar crime loss of over 100K
One count of Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse
There was an investigation going forward against Keya Morgan that had started while Stan Lee was still alive. There had been multiple complaints and legal actions against him starting in March of 2018.
The false imprisonment charge is for when Morgan took Lee out of his Hollywood home and relocated him to a “secured condo” in Beverly Hills in 2018. Morgan was also making fake 911 calls in order to convince Lee that he was in danger. A manipulative tactic that would indeed make Lee question his own safety.
Grand theft charges remain from May 2018 when it was reported that Morgan had embezzled around $262,000 from autograph signings that Lee never received.
Morgan has, according to documents filed in 2018 with the Los Angeles Police department been charged with misappropriating and/or embezzling $5 Million in assets