If you grew up loving the original Batman films then you are in luck this year! Fathom events will be showing first four movies for one day only each in honor of Batman’s 80th birthday this year.

Batman (1989) – Saturday, May 4 – 1 PM and 4 PM

Batman Returns (1992) – Monday, May 6 – 4 PM and 7 PM

Batman Forever (1995) – Saturday, May 12 – 1 PM and 4 PM

Batman and Robin (1997) – Tuesday, May 14 – 4 PM and 7 PM
Tickets have yet to go on sale but we know a lot of people are excited for this. For many of us we weren’t old enough to see these in theaters so we relied on worn out VHS copies to watch. Later the DVD sets would come out but still watching it on the TV is nothing compared to the experience of watching some of your favorite films filled with an audience of fans. Also now if you have kids it would be a great opportunity to take them.
Will you be going to see any of these showings? Tell us in the comments!