Author: Nerd Voices

Here at Nerdbot we are always looking for fresh takes on anything people love with a focus on television, comics, movies, animation, video games and more. If you feel passionate about something or love to be the person to get the word of nerd out to the public, we want to hear from you!

The rise of our digital landscape has seen not just the development of technology, but also the introduction and dominance of new industries. The gaming industry, in particular, has risen above most other forms of entertainment, with some major releases pulling in more revenue than summer blockbuster movies. Perhaps the most surprising contributor to the gaming industry’s success is the prevalence of mobile titles. Ever since the introduction of Snake on late 1990s Nokia cellphones, developers have pushed boundaries to bring ever more rich and playable experiences to the most ubiquitous piece of technology in our society today. So, what…

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After watching movies like “Rounders” or “Molly’s Game”, you might soon find yourself with a strong desire to play poker. But in these uncertain times, it’s near impossible to find a live poker table that’ll take you in – let alone one that’s sure to be risk-free during the pandemic. The next best thing is to try your hand at playing online poker. And if it’s your first time, here are the most important things to remember. Understanding the Basic Rules Break out those Star Wars playing cards and brush up on the rules. Most sites play by the classic mechanics of Texas…

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These years, there are lots of apps or service to increase Instagram followers and likes. Some of them are free, and some of them are paid. But the best and free tool that I used is GetInsta. It is a free application that can help Instagram users increase likes and followers in a simple, fast and reliable way. GetInsta provides a 100% secure system that will help you attract real users to a specific location and follow each other. You do not have to pay for it. Everyone who joins the platform will also receive a certain amount of virtual…

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Your Mom deserves the best during her big day, and staying creative can make Mother’s Day a truly special occasion. When your Mom knows exactly what she’ll get, it can make the day a little stale, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate any effort you give. Still, if you really want to surprise your Mom every year, try these fail-proof tips that are sure to impress! Taken Enjoyment in Your Mother’s Hobbies People can change as often as the seasons, and your Mother is no different. Maybe last year, she liked to go hiking during the spring, but since…

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A good structure of an essay guarantees 80% of successful work. Although many writers consider structuring something like a commonplace, this step can change a lot in the reader’s perception of the text. We can begin by looking at the example of the essays about literacy. Here you can see the clear division into paragraphs and even without reading these essays looks well-structured. So, what are the keys to a high-quality plan for effective writing? Here you will find the desired answer to this question. The aim of an outline If you think that outlining your paper is significant only…

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One of the best things about watching a movie or TV is that it can transport us anywhere. Fantasy directors can create new worlds no one ever thought possible. Who can forget the way Blade Runner changed LA into a cyberpunk paradise? Or how The Beatles showed the inside of their minds through the psychedelic landscape of Pepperland? There are so many examples out there, but for now, here are three that stand out. Canto Bight Star Wars has got to be at the top of the list when it comes to fantasy lands. But there’s one place that was…

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From the earliest civilizations such as Ancient Egypt to the modern day, humans have always liked to be entertained. When not studying, working or looking after family, we all love to relax with our favorite pastime. This not only helps us to enjoy life more but also have some time to do things we like. While there are many popular entertainment niches, gaming is up there with the best. For most people, the two major sub-sets of gaming are casino games and video games. Online casino play has rocketed in popularity over recent years and now generates multi-billions of dollars…

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We live in an age where many of the things that we dreamt about a few years ago have become reality. Back in the 90s, virtual reality was but a mere concept and nothing more. There was no hardware capable of bringing it to the forefront like there is now. As for gambling, it was solely reserved for the brick-and-mortar casinos, with very few online poker rooms or games available. Nowadays, these two have come together to provide an experience like none other. There are so many ways virtual reality can improve a bettor’s online gambling experience that we could…

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