Yes, endometriosis and period pain can be treated through acupuncture. Often, women find it challenging to manage the period pain or understand the associated symptoms. Thus, introducing acupuncture can significantly improve the quality of life and treat complex conditions, such as endometriosis.
- What is endometriosis?
It is a condition that is diagnosed in women where the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus, and the symptoms can range from minor to major. The most common symptoms are – pelvic pain, fatigue, abdominal bloating, pain during intercourse, pain during bladder movement, and clotted or heavy menstruation. In some women, infertility or sub-fertility is also recorded. Around 15% of women of reproductive age are affected by this ailment.
- How can acupuncture help to treat endometriosis?
During acupuncture, needles are placed at specific body areas, activating the sensory afferent nerve end plates. This further sends a signal to the brain, and in response, messaging chemicals are released that positively affect the brain and internal organs. Here are the benefits of relying on acupuncture for treating this ailment:
- It can calm the central nervous system, introduce a feeling of relaxation, and positively affect the heart, improving the heart rate variability.
- It also helps to regulate gastrointestinal and immune systems and modulates the pain signal.
- It also promotes the secretion of neuroendocrine hormones, which regulate bodily functions, such as reproductive health.
- It helps to disrupt the pain cycle from the internal organ to the brain. Also, it perpetuates pain conditions that are generated when the nervous system becomes over-stimulated during chronic pain.
- Here’s how the endometriosis treatment begins:
At first, the acupuncturist would look for the driving factor, as every woman has a unique body structure, and the intensity of function also varies. They will ask questions about mood, digestion, sleep, temperature, skin, mental function, and menstrual symptoms. Along with this, the flow of blood is accessed, and the level of inflammation is measured. It is checked whether the fluid is accumulated within the lymph or if any disease is associated with gut health.
- What is the treatment plan?
The treatment plan to treat endometriosis and period pain extends for 2 to 3 months, during which the woman has to undergo weekly sessions or, if required, twice a week. A perfect treatment plan is curated based on the unique requirements so that the pathophysiology and biology can be altered, thereby causing endometriosis. The results can provide relief from the pain for more than a year.
A session lasts 50 to 70 minutes, and the initial stages take longer. In addition to this, home-based treatments are also advised, such as moxa, massage, exercise, following a proper and balanced diet chart, and meditation.
Daily practice makes you feel relaxed and gives you better sleep, improved mood, and a nurturing experience. It also improves digestive function and helps maintain a high energy level.
Acupuncture is known to be an ancient Chinese medicine technique and cannot be compared with modern medicine. As a woman, you must stay educated about natural health methods to take care of yourself and provide relief to pain so that you can enjoy life in a better way. If you want to know more about it, click here.