“Dangerous Silence” is a short film that transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling, leaving an indelible mark on the global film landscape. The film was screened at the TCL Chinese Theatre at Golden State Film Festival and Silicon Beach Film Festival , and was nominated Best Nigerian short film at 19th Abuja International Film Festival. The film’s narrative prowess is evident in its brief 11-minute runtime, skillfully crafted by the award winning international film producer and screenwriter Ariel Lavi, who wrote the screenplay and produced the film. The story unfolds against the backdrop of Nigeria.
The film tells about the journey of the protagonist, Lila, portrayed with exceptional depth by Jemima Adelekan. The film tells about a human exploitation orchestrated by the characters Chiumbo (Olaide Almaroof) and Gathee (Otega Igho), that introduced the problems of human society in Africa.Directed by Adeyinka Adetoyi .
“Dangerous Silence” has won 21 wins and 11 nominations. The film’s success highlights the richness of Nigerian cinema and emphasizes the global impact of authentic and diverse storytelling.
Beyond the awards, “Dangerous Silence” is a powerful tool for social change.The film’s exploration of exploitation and silence acts as a call to collective responsibility, challenging viewers to introspect and, perhaps, inspire action.
Dangerous Silence is a modern story about integrity and standing up against the wrong. Gathee is a central character who is coerced into morally compromising himself and forced to face the consequences of this action.
In conclusion, “Dangerous Silence” is a great film for contemporary cinema. Its artistic merits and potential to drive social change position it as a remarkable achievement. The film’s global recognition underscores the power of authentic storytelling As the spotlight on “Dangerous Silence” continues to grow, it not only marks a turning point for Nigerian cinema but also exemplifies the enduring impact that passionate storytelling can have on audiences worldwide.
You can watch the YouTube trailer here;