They say that a good leader has their presence felt but not seen. It’s much easier to do so via your phone. After all, most communication occurs via apps, most projects are handled via a collaboration tool, and even all the meetings happen in Zoom. So, for those interested in ways they can exert control via their pocket computer, here are the top eight ways to do so.
1. Check-in on your collaboration tool
Choosing your collaboration tools is probably the biggest decision in your business. After all, it doesn’t matter that much if your project is handled in Basecamp, Trello, Monday, or something else entirely. Just keep in mind that choosing a collaboration tool dictates the work process.
Now, since you’ll primarily access these tools via your phone, pick something transparent and visually oriented. Something with color-coded tasks and a large font is preferable.
Remember that, via your phone, you can just enter the tool (each of the major ones we’ve listed has a decent mobile app) and see progress. You can see if the file is updated and uploaded and who will work on the project next.
You must also understand why this matters and why it’s a decision you can’t afford to postpone. Sure, your team may be able to handle it all in Dropbox or share files via email, but what happens when there are too many files? What happens when there are too many project participants? You must always consider scalability.
2. Apps for more efficient business travels
When traveling abroad, there are so many apps that can make your life easier.
First of all, you need a budgeting app. It’s much easier to lose track of your spending when dealing in different currencies, making several conversions in a minute, and haggling in a foreign language. This is a huge problem, especially if you’re traveling at the company’s expense. Using a travel budget app will make your life a lot easier.
Messaging apps will help you stay in touch with people back home (although we’ll discuss this more deeply later).
Now, an entrepreneur who often travels for business may find that geo-restrictions complicate things a lot. So, look up a few reviews that feature the best VPNs for a small business and see if you can use them on your smartphone or a laptop. This way, you’ll always be able to access the content you need.
3. Always available with messaging apps
An entrepreneur goes to sleep with their phone in their hand. They go to the tub while keeping one of their hands out of the water (so that they don’t have to let go of their phone). Your SO, your kids, and your roommates are going to come to hate your phone. However, if your business is to thrive, you need to be available 24/7.
With the help of messaging apps, you can always be available without getting dragged into lengthy calls or video calls (which is something we’ll address a tad later).
Now, the arsenal of these apps is completely up to you. You already have Messenger, Instagram, Viber, WhatsApp, possibly even Skype and Slack installed on your phone. However, assuming that you’ll also use LinkedIn chat and a few more communication tools is not unreasonable. While it seems overwhelming, in practice, it’s really not that big of a deal.
4. Accessing files through cloud storage
Keeping all your data on a device is risky and cumbersome. Even when you’re back at home, you would have to rely on USB drives, which can be lost or stolen. You constantly carry them from home to the office and update file versions manually. Besides being incredibly difficult and time-consuming, this is an inefficient way to handle things.
Most of the business world has already migrated to the cloud, and it’s time for you to do the same.
Just look at the statistics; even people who work from the office may mop up their work for the day back home. They may check an email that they’ve just received or take another glance at a table that they’ve been handling at the office. With the right BYOD policy, this shouldn’t be a problem. It will also make these projects much mobile-friendlier.
5. Time management apps
As a business person, your time is your company’s most valuable resource. What does this mean? You can always hire a virtual assistant to help with administrative tasks, a new sales representative to improve sales, and a new person in the QS to increase standards.
What you can’t do is find someone who will care as much as you do. In fact, this is one of the main reasons people find partners, not just for the money but to get someone who is just as invested as you are.
Now, you can’t be everywhere simultaneously, and if you try, you will be spread too thin. Instead, you need to use your time much better. Since you’re already running your business via a phone, you can get a time-management app and maximize your efficiency. It’s a simple decision that could improve your scalability.
6. Work-life balance and mindfulness
As an entrepreneur, you’ll be torn between home and work. On the one hand, you understand the significance of your mission, but at the same time, your home life will suffer.
While there are no ideal solutions, people who suggest that you should just organize better usually have no clue what they’re talking about. Instead, you can leverage technology to get more out of this. First, if you have a pet, you can nurture a much closer relationship with them using technology, even if you are extremely busy.
Second, most IRL friends nowadays are mostly in touch via phone, occasionally going out to coffee. Let’s be completely honest; this is how relationships work, even for people with fewer responsibilities than you.
7. Run virtual meetings
Previously, we’ve made a list of apps you need when traveling. With a virtual conferencing app, you can easily attend meetings even when you’re half a globe away.
Now, if we’re even more honest, the truth is that virtual meetings are more convenient even when you’re home.
In 2020, we were forced to stick to virtual meetings, but most businesses figured out from this that they should have been doing it all along.
For an entrepreneur, it means running a business via your phone.
8. Scalability at its peak
Even when in the office, you’re not walking to a person’s desk to talk to them. In a modern workplace, it’s common for coworkers three desks away to communicate via Slack. It’s simple and convenient, and it doesn’t distract others. In other words, while it may seem unnecessary in smaller teams, it’s a scalable solution you shouldn’t discard.
However, let’s think even beyond this. Let’s be even more ambitious for a second. Imagine having several offices. Imagine having a multi-billion dollar enterprise that spans the globe. How would you keep in touch with all these branches, franchises, and subsidiaries?
Every single one of these solutions is incredibly scalable, which means that the sooner you introduce them, the sooner you get to reap the benefits.
Your smartphone is all you need to run a business
Many people are arguing that all you need to start a business in the 21st century is a smartphone and that if you have one, you have no excuse. Well, this doesn’t just apply to online businesses. Get the right apps, develop a game plan, and you’re ready to go.