Appreciating employees’ contributions by rewarding them in public is a great way to motivate them and keep their morale high while bolstering their relationship with the organization. To meet the end, one of the most common practices among employers is to give thoughtful and meaningful employee recognition gifts that boost employee morale and arrest attrition. Gifts are a public recognition of employees’ capabilities that shows how much employers care for them and eventually turn employees loyal as they try to give their best to exceed expectations.
- Employee recognition gifts – tools to create a positive environment in the organization
Appreciation can work wonders for employers and employees, especially in a world where high stress, high turnover, and frequent burnout are taking a heavy toll on individuals and organizations alike. Studies have shown the multiple benefits of gifting employees in recognition of their contributions to organizational progress and self-development.
- Most employees, almost 93%, who receive gifts, as tokens of appreciation feel valued and inspired to do their best work, often exceeding their capabilities.
- Almost 80% of employees admitted that the recognition earned made them happier and improved their engagement, experience, and relationships.
- Rewards and appreciation programs significantly reduce attrition rate by almost 31%.
- After receiving a gift, more than 50% of employees are likely to be more loyal to the organization, which positively impacts retaining them in longer terms.
- Gifts are more important than monetary benefits
Monetary benefits have an earthly appeal, but gifts boost the mental state of employees, as they feel more important when the organization publicly admits and appreciates their contribution. Mental wellbeing is more valuable to individuals as it satisfies their ego as their work gains recognition. Life is more meaningful to them than earning some extra compensation. When employees feel that employers feel for them, they avoid the lure of more money and do not quit the job.
- Ordinary gifts can be highly precious
Employers need not break their heads to think about the kind of gifts for employees because to avail of the benefits, gifts don’t need to be flashy, expensive, or grand. The thought that goes behind the gifts is more important than the price. A simple but well-thought gift that isn’t pricey can provide immense benefits over expensive gifts. That employers are ready to appreciate employees’ contributions is critical to gain employees’ confidence and make them loyal. The idea and intention behind gifting are more important for imparting value to the gifts that show appreciation and spread happiness among employees.
- Personalized gifts
Besides being thoughtful and meaningful, gifts meant for appreciating employee contribution must have a personal touch that underscores the care and compassion associated with these. To create personalized gifts, like custom acrylic keychains, learning more about the recipients of gifts is important to identify their interests and understand their tastes. Knowing what each employee values are also important to work out suitable gifts.
Knowing their aspirations, dreams, and goals help to identify gifts that make them feel elated.