Rumors of a reboot or revisit of Fox comedy series “Malcolm in the Middle” have been around for years. The sitcom followed tween Malcolm (Frankie Muniz) as he tries to survive school after being placed in the ostracized gifted program. All while dealing with his rowdy three brothers and dysfunctional parents Hal (Bryan Cranston) and Lois (Jane Kaczmarek).
But unlike most theorized revival projects, fires keeping this speculation alive primarily come from the cast themselves.
Cranston was recently asked by fans about a “Malcolm in the Middle” revival. “Yes, I would say that on a scale of 1-10, I’d say an 8 that we’ll do a reunion, movie or show or something,” Cranston told Andy Cohen on “Watch What Happens Live.” “And yes, we have been working on concepts of story, plots and things like that.”
This backs up what co-star Muniz said in October of 2022. “I would love to know what the family’s up to,” Muniz, who’s been doing NASCAR racing, said. “I know Bryan Cranston is really into the idea and he’s kind of heading writing the script and getting everything rolling. So, there might be something. I would be down 100 percent. But I don’t know — we’ll see what happens.”
In December of 2021, Muniz said Cranston had been leading an effort for revival five years before everyone was “on board except for one person.”
“Malcolm in the Middle” first aired on Fox in 2000 and quickly became a huge hit for the network. While the idea of showing a dysfunctional family was nothing new at the time, the show ditched the traditional laugh tracks and live studio audience. Malcolm often broke the fourth wall, speaking directly to the audience. The show aired its final episode in 2006.
While a reboot of the beloved show is far from a done deal, core cast being on board is normally a good sign of a potential reboot.