Officers arrested a woman at Disneyland after she allegedly snuck into the park on June 17th. The incident was shared earlier this week on TikTok and the video has recently gone viral. The video’s description claims that this is the second day in a row she has done this.
The TikTok video shows Anaheim Police Department officers assisting Disneyland’s security team in arresting a woman. The footage is scored by the almost too-fitting KRS-One song “Sound of da Police.” It’s captioned “According to CM’s this is day two of this lady breaking in.” (CM means ‘Cast Member,’ which is what the parks refer to as employees.)
The claim is semi-backed up by a spokesperson for the Anaheim Police Department. The unidentified woman reportedly entered Disneyland by jumping over the turnstiles at the entrance, possibly more than once.
Comments about the case are in awe if she was able to do it more than once. Disneyland is notoriously strict on security and is almost impossible to get into without a ticket. Her possibly breaking in once is no small feat but twice is just impressive.
At around 7pm, the woman was arrested on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in Frontierland. The TikTok video claims that she was attempting to hide. She was taken into custody for the misdemeanor without incident.Her case will go before the Anaheim City Attorney’s Office. Where they will issue fines and possible jail time, said a spokesperson for the department.
At this time Disneyland Resort has not commented on the incident. You can watch the TikTok of the arrest below: