Small businesses are the backbone of any country’s economy, and they are highly important for economic growth. Many entrepreneurs start small businesses and startups with the passion to make their ideas a reality and become successful. However, running a small business isn’t easy. It is a challenging task that requires motivation, sheer dedication, and discipline.
Most entrepreneurs who start a small business focus on generating revenue only and overlook a highly crucial aspect of running a business: cash flow. Cash flow refers to the movement of money in and out of a business during a specific period. Cash flow management is a highly crucial aspect of business operations and is necessary for businesses to avoid any financial issues. Even for major businesses like Disney Cruise Line, positive cash flow is crucial.
Many people overlap the concept of cash flow with profitability. Cash flow is different from profitability and refers to the actual amount of cash that enters and exits a business. A business can be profitable on paper, but it may still be having cash flow issues. This is because profitability is related to revenue, whereas cash flows refer to cash inflows and outflows.
Understanding the concept of cash flow is very important to run a successful business. To explain why cash flow is so important for small businesses, let us discuss some points that explain the significance of cash flow.
Meeting Day-To-Day Expenses
The first and most important reason why cash flow is significant for small businesses is to meet day-to-day expenses. To run a business smoothly, one has to take care of multiple things. One such thing is meeting day-to-day expenses, which involves things like timely payment of bills, salaries, and suppliers. Any small business that has a positive cash flow can easily fulfill these financial obligations and meet day-to-day expenses without any halt in operations.
Meanwhile, on the other hand, if a business is facing negative cash flow or there are cash flow gaps, it can lead to missed opportunities, temporary disruptions in operations, and an inability to meet essential expenses.
Protect Business Relationships
Businesses that face cash flow problems are not able to maintain good relationships with other businesses and their suppliers. Having cash flow problems means that you don’t have the funds available at hand to pay your suppliers or other business. This can be detrimental to the success of your business and can damage the overall reputation of your business.
To avoid harming business relationships, small businesses must ensure proper cash flow. They should schedule payments with their suppliers and other business partners and pay them on time to avoid any mishaps. It is important that small businesses plan in advance so that they don’t have to deal with multiple invoices and bills at the same time and find themselves in a situation where they don’t have the money to pay them.
Understand Where Your Money Is Going
Cash flow is also important because it helps you understand where you are spending your money. When you start to manage your cash flow effectively, you gain a better understanding of your business expenditures and where you are spending your money. This is something that you cannot appreciate on a profit and loss statement.
Although for big companies like Royal Caribbean, it is not always important to know where the money is going and why because they have the resources available to make ends meet without proper cash inflow, for small businesses and startups, it is highly important to know where your money is coming from and where it is going. Cash flow management allows small businesses to identify areas of the business from where the money is coming and going, so they can manage their finances more effectively.
Managing Emergencies and Unforeseen Events
Every business can face unforeseen circumstances and emergencies, such as equipment breakdowns, employee turnover, economic downturns, and natural disasters. In such unforeseen circumstances and events, a healthy cash flow allows businesses to withstand these difficult and challenging times. A healthy cash flow provides the necessary funds to withstand these difficult times, maintain stability, and start the recovery process.
Obtaining Financing and Loans
Cash flow is also important for small businesses when seeking external financing or partnerships. Lenders, investors, and businessmen closely evaluate the cash flow statements of a company to assess its financial condition and health.
A strong and positive cash flow increases the business’s chances of obtaining loans and attracting investors. Whereas, a negative and weak cash flow results in limited funding options, higher interest rates, and even rejection of funding applications. Therefore, for small businesses to obtain financing at favorable terms, having a strong and positive cash flow is mandatory.