Male pattern hair loss (known as androgenetic alopecia) can be unpredictable. Men can start noticing their hair thinning as early as their 20s, despite baldness typically being associated with age.
According to the statistics of the American Hair Loss Association, by age 35, two out of every three American men will have begun thinning their hair. By age 50, 85% of men will have significantly thinned hair and looking for a hair system for men.
Although there has been a change in how people view bald men, recent studies show that bald men are seen as more powerful, capable, and intelligent than men with thinning hair. However, not all men could pull off a shaved head like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson or Sir Patrick Stewart. Men prefer to have a full head of hair rather than go bald.
According to a British survey, 41% of men prefer having some hair left on their heads than none. Early research suggests that psychological disorders, particularly anxiety, and depression, may result from alopecia. It’s especially true for men who experience chemotherapy-related alopecia. One of the most upsetting side effects of chemotherapy treatments.
Men of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds look for hair restoration techniques that could give them full, healthy locks for these reasons. For men, it’s not just about their appearance; they need to regain their self-confidence to stand in front of others and make their voices heard.
The Truth about Topical and Surgical Treatments
The two types of hair loss treatments on opposite ends of the spectrum are home-made hair-regrowth products and surgical hair restoration procedures.
In contrast to the other, which has scientific roots and focuses on encouraging hair regrowth through hair follicle transplantation rather than slowing hair loss, the former is topical and derived from popular deductions about which substances could make hair grow faster and thicker.
Another choice is using pharmaceutical formulations to promote hair growth. These oral and topical medications are available for men to use discreetly at home. Any of these solutions are present in these products:
- Minoxidil 2%
- Minoxidil 5%
- Adenosine 0.75%
- Dutasteride 0.5 mg
- Finasteride 1 mg
By increasing blood flow to hair follicles, these medications encourage the growth of long, thick hair. Although dutasteride, finasteride, and minoxidil 2% and 5% have comparable levels of effectiveness, comparative studies show that patients are more satisfied with the outcomes of adenosine 0.75% because of the perceived speed at which hair loss can be stopped, and new hair can regrow.
There is one thing that all of these treatments have in common: neither positive outcomes nor equal levels of effectiveness for everyone who uses them are guaranteed. Even surgical hair replacement, in which doctors take hair follicles from donor areas (typically the back of the head, where hair grows thickest), and implant them into the scalp’s bare spots, does not guarantee 100% effectiveness.
The full effects of the procedure might only be felt for a few months.
Furthermore, follicular unit transplantation might not have the desired results for men with advanced baldness because it would spread fewer hair follicles across a larger scalp area. Finally, studies indicate that hair-regrowth medications may cause harmful side effects like sperm count reduction and sexual dysfunction.
What does this mean for men who don’t want to undergo surgery or spend much money on topical treatments with questionable outcomes?
Old-School Remedy Refined by Technology
Non-surgical hair restoration techniques have undergone impressive innovations in the past ten years. These contemporary remedies are modeled after the vintage toupee, which gained popularity in the 18th century. A hair system for men or men’s hair system is an artificial hairpiece worn over the head to cover bald spots.
Wearers would comb their hair over the front to hide the piece’s edges and create a more natural appearance. Instead of getting a generic hairpiece or male toupee, a man can now visit a clinic and get fitted for a personalized “hair replacement system.” Real, human hair strands are used in painstakingly hand-made hair systems.
They are made to last a while; some can even last three years before needing to be replaced. Men could choose their hairstyle and length and change either at any time.
According to the type of base material and structure, there are four different modern hair replacement systems:
- Full-skin base hair systems
- Full-lace base hair systems
- Lace with polyurethane edge
- Skin with lace front
Bases for skin-based hair systems can comprise silicon, polyurethane, or a composite. Systems based on lace could make use of Swiss or French lace. Men can select a system based on the extent of the bald spot they want to conceal, their skin type, and skin tone.
Lace-Front Hair System
Because it breathes well and secures hair strands without looking or feeling bulky, fine lace is the perfect base for full hair systems. Lace adheres to the scalp easily, and a stylist can dye it in a shade that complements the wearer’s skin tone in just a few minutes. Even under close scrutiny, the lace hairline is undetectable in lace-front hair systems because they look so natural.
Polyurethane-Based Hair System
A specialist will examine the wearer’s scalp during the initial consultation for a polyurethane-based hair system to determine the best type of hair, color, and texture for them. The expert will then “implant” hair strands on the polyurethane membrane like a hair transplant surgeon, imitating the wearer’s natural hair growth pattern.
There are several benefits to polyurethane hair systems for men. It is a thin, colorless membrane with edges that resemble a hairline, making it nearly invisible. Like a second skin, the polyurethane membrane adheres firmly to the scalp.
Men who use this type of hair system are free to engage in routine exercise, including swimming. In fact, regular shampooing and conditioning would be beneficial for polyurethane-based hair systems.
Beyond Hair Restoration
Men all over the nation have embraced modern hair systems. The confidence and self-assurance that men may have lost as they experience different stages of pattern baldness are also restored, in addition to the hair that has been lost.
Evidence also supports that hair restoration procedures can alter how people view men. In a survey conducted in December 2015 by researchers at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, it was discovered that many people view men with hair restoration as younger, more successful, and more approachable.
Different solutions may or may not answer male pattern hair loss. The most commonly used methods are medications and hair systems for men. So far, men’s hair systems are the ultimate hair loss solution that answers all types of hair loss. They cause no harm to the wearer’s scalp or natural hair. Human hair systems for men are made to blend perfectly with the wearer’s natural hair, guaranteeing undetectable hairlines and parts.
Look for your top-notch hair system for men at New Times Hair.