In order to pass the journeyman electrician’s state exam, you must first be familiar with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and understand how to navigate it. This can be a difficult task, but there are some helpful tips that can help you get through the test.
1. Use The QuickSearch Method
The National Electrical Code is very large, so you must use the index in the back of the book to find the sections that are most relevant for each exam question. Using this method will save you time and ensure that you don’t accidentally get answers wrong.
2. Make a Scratch Paper Cheat Sheet
To save yourself time, create a scratch paper cheat sheet that contains all of the formulas that you’re likely to need on your exam. This way, you can easily flip to it when needed.
4. Take A Practice Electrician’s Exam
Taking a NEC practice test free is a great way to assess your current knowledge of the subject matter. The exam will also allow you to gauge your pace and see how well you perform under pressure.
3. Make a Schedule of When You Need To Study
As you prepare for the electrician’s license exam, you should have a study schedule in place. This can help you stay organized and on track for the big day.
5. Practice Your Answers On A Computer
The most important thing that you can do to prepare for your electrical certification exam is to practice your answers on a computer. You will want to do this because the actual exam is timed, and if you don’t know how to answer questions quickly on a computer, it could result in an incorrect answer.
6. Bring Your Own NEC Book To The Testing Center
You should not only bring your own copy of the NEC code book to the testing center, but you should also have a separate copy that you can refer to during the test. This can be a hard copy of the code, or you can have the electronic version on your mobile device. You should bring a pencil and a sharpener along with the NEC book and paper clips to mark out any tables and charts that you will need on the test.
7. Don’t Waste Any More Than You Need To
If you plan on spending hours studying for your electrical license exam, it’s essential to limit your studies to only the material that you’re most likely to encounter on the real thing. Investing in a good study guide or course can also help you focus your efforts and maximize your chances of passing the exam.
10. Focus On Code Calculations
A key to successfully passing the journeyman electrician’s state license exam is to focus on the code calculations section of the test. This can be tricky, so it’s important to do your homework ahead of time.
This is especially true if you’re a master electrician, as you may be required to know more about the calculation process than an apprentice does. Having an understanding of the calculations can help you score high on the electrical exam and ultimately land the job.