“Living With Chucky” is a new documentary that dives deeper into the killer doll franchise, “Child’s Play.” Kyra Elise Gardner (“In Search of the Sanderson Sisters: A Hocus Pocus Hulaween Takeover”), daughter of legendary special effects artist Tony Gardner, wrote and directed the project. Tony Gardner’s film credits include special effects and animatronics for “Seed of Chucky,” “Curse of Chucky,” and “Cult of Chucky.” This familial connection to the legendary horror franchise is a big part of the documentary’s perspective.
“Living With Chucky” sees Elsie Gardner seeking out other families surrounding the “Child’s Play” films. She has them recount their experiences working on the franchise, as well as having them dive into what it means to be a part of the “Chucky” family. She also explores her own connections to the series and even refers to Chucky as her “little brother.”
It also seeks to show the franchise’s impact on horror. Not to mention the cultural phenomenon that its villain, Chucky, became. Starting in 1988 the “Child’s Play” franchise now has 7 films, a TV series, and a remake that brought the killer doll idea into the 21st century. The remake starring Aubrey Plaza, and brought in about $45 million at the box office. The second season of SYFY‘s “Chucky” premiered in October, and is already green lit for season 3. Not to shabby for a three-foot piece of possessed plastic.
“Living With Chucky” features franchise regulars like Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif, Jennifer Tilly, Alex Vincent, Christine Elise, Billy Boyd, franchise producer David Kirschner, and creator Don Mancini. With each interviewee giving behind-the-scenes anecdotes and making-of details. The documentary was co-written by Jason Strickland.
“Living with Chucky” is set to hit Screambox and digital on April 4th, 2023. You can check out the new trailer below: