The League of Legends video game, also known as LoL, is a 3D game of the “Multiplayer Online Battle Arena” (MOBA) genre that is played in the third person. The game pits two teams of five players each, who must fight to win. The objective is to destroy the base or “nexus” of the opponent.
To achieve this, players must cooperate in fighting their opponents to topple their towers and level up, while traversing the map (known as the Fields of Justice) and collecting gold. At first glance it seems easy, but it is a game with a lot of strategy and that requires speed, skill and intelligence. For those looking to enhance their League of Legends experience further, exploring options like purchasing high-level League of Legends accounts can provide access to a wider range of champions, skins, and other in-game assets, giving players an edge on the battlefield.
League of Legends is a legendary game in the world of eSports. It is nothing more and nothing less than the most played and watched video game in the world, with 100 million active players per month with lol betting also growing. A global phenomenon that continues to grow day by day.
Which champion do you want to pick in League of Legends is pretty much the first question the game asks you and also those who are willing for a lol cosplay. The answer to that can be very confusing. Five roles, 159 characters, different classes, and archetypes – where do you even begin? How about here? This guide introduces you to some champions from League of Legends that are good for beginners.
The key to learning League of Legends is simplicity. There are some champions that are excruciatingly difficult to play – whether due to complex, unique mechanics, the need for fantastic aim, or simply low health and no escape options. And while certain roles are more important to a game than others, every member of a five-person team must do their part or there’s trouble.
Apart from that, the game is much easier to learn than many other MOBAs and the initial challenge is not as high as a tactical shooter or real-time strategy game.
- Best Champion: Jungle
- Best Champions: Support
- Best Champions: Top
- Best Champions: ADC
- Best Champions: Mid
Best LoL Jungle Champion for Beginners
The jungler role has the least direct interaction with the enemy team, is easy to practice, and you can find all sorts of videos on how best to do it. Also, she has an early opportunity to significantly impact the game and doesn’t require you to learn how to properly perform last hits against minions – one of the most tedious and annoying, yet incredibly important quests in the game.
Vi charges a shield over time. The shield can be activated by hitting an enemy with an ability.
Vi charges her gauntlets and unleashes a wall-shattering slash that carries her forward. Enemies it hits are knocked back and gain 1 stack of Antirationing Blows.
Vi’s slams shatter the target’s armour, dealing bonus damage and granting their attack speed.
Vi’s next attack punches through her target, dealing damage to enemies behind.
Vi runs over an opponent, knocking aside anyone who stands in her way. Once she reaches her target, she slams it into the air, jumps after it, and slams it back down.
Everyone knows Vi by now as the star of “Arcane”. She’s also a fantastic beginner character for a few reasons. First, she only has three skills to take care of and only one of them requires aiming. Second, she’s tough and survivable while still being able to deal fairly solid damage. And finally, she can even use her Q ability to escape in an emergency. Try not to dive too deep with your ultimate, hitting enemies and attacking the same targets as your allies.
Best LoL Support Champion for Beginners
The misconception that the support role in MOBAs is easy has largely been dispelled in this enlightened age. However, she is still less pressurized than solo roles and can be very effective through item choice, control of map vision, and big plays with her abilities. Remember to buy protective shields.
Passive: Heavy Blow
Nautilus’ first attack against a target deal increased physical damage and roots the target briefly.
Q: Tow hook
Nautilus casts his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy, they and Nautilus are pulled together, and the enemy takes magic damage. If Nautilus hits terrain, it will be pulled to it.
W: Wrath of the Titan
Nautilus temporarily gains a shield. While shielded, his attacks deal damage over time to the target and nearby enemies.
E: Torrential tide
Nautilus creates three exploding waves around itself. Each explosion damages and slows enemies.
R: depth charge
Nautilus sends a shockwave into the earth that pursues an opponent. These rips open the overlying earth and knocks enemies into the air. When it reaches its target, it erupts, knocking its target up into the air and stunning them.
Large and seaworthy, the Nautilus is the primary recommendation for novice Support due to its powerful, easy-to-use abilities and resilient nature. Nautilu’s iconic Anchor Hook is his most difficult ability to use since it’s a targeted skillshot. However, it has a large hit area, moves fast, has long range, and is an absolute killer under the right circumstances.
This is the perfect champion to learn how to use skillshots. He also has self-protection, a slow, and can use the grapple to evade enemies. His ultimate is a simple point-and-click disable and learning the hook-hit-shield-hit-ultimate-hit-snare combo will quickly deal some serious damage, especially with assist.
Best LoL Top Champions for Beginners
The top lane is an odd and somewhat complex lane, but it’s easier to learn than the other two as it’s more forgiving and remote. Dying every 30 seconds won’t lead your team to victory in any role, but you’re less likely to be under constant pressure here than in mid or bot. Watch out for the enemy jungler coming your way, if you’ve gotten too far, and you should be able to get by just fine.
Passive: persistence
If Garen hasn’t taken damage recently and hasn’t been hit by enemy abilities, he will regenerate a percentage of his maximum health every second.
Q: Decisive blow
Garen gains a movement speed boost and breaks free of all slows. His next attack hits the enemy in a vulnerable spot, dealing additional damage and silencing the target.
W: Courage
Garen passively increases Armor and Magic Resist when he kills enemies. He can also activate this ability to gain a shield and toughness for a moment. After that, he gains a smaller amount of damage reduction for a longer period.
E: Judgement
Garen quickly spins his sword around his body, dealing physical damage to nearby enemies.
R: Demacian Justice
Garen summons the power of Demacia and attempts to execute the enemy champion.
Swordsman Garen is by no means the most exciting character that “LoL” offers. However, its array of easy-to-use moves is a boon for beginners. Garen’s passive is where he really helps new users. Out of combat, he heals to full health fairly quickly, meaning a quick retreat will resolve worst situations. Once you get a little head start, he’s very good at winning a fight. His Ultimate is the icing on the cake that makes for a satisfying and effective champion.
Best LoL ADC Champions for Beginners
The ADC or bot role is one that carries games and is the cornerstone of a team. It’s also about being careful, taking the right fights, and getting as much gold as you can as quickly as possible. They will later win the game for your team, or at least play a big part in it. The natural skill level is generally quite high here, but you can help yourself with proper champion selection.
Passive: Precision
Increases the range of Tristana’s attacks as she levels up.
Q: Rapid fire
Tristana quickly fires her weapon to increase her attack speed for a short time.
W: Rocket jump
Tristana fires the ground to propel herself to a distant location, where upon landing she damages nearby units and briefly slows nearby units.
E: explosive charge
When Tristana kills a unit, her cannonballs shatter into shrapnel, damaging nearby enemies. Can be activated to place a bomb on a target that will detonate after a short time, damaging surrounding units.
R: Thundershot
Tristana loads her weapon with a massive cannonball and fires it at an enemy unit. This deals magic damage and knocks the target back. If the target is carrying an explosive charge bomb, the bomb’s detonation radius is doubled.
Tristana wields a weapon practically the size of herself, but what could possibly go wrong? For someone lacking confidence in their ADC abilities, Tristana offers a little bit of everything. She has a long range, which of course keeps her out of harm’s way, and a nice escape option in the form of her rocket jump. Of course, she deals damage at an insane rate and is just as good at taking down turrets as enemy champions – if not better.
Best LoL Mid Champions for Beginners
Mid might not be the best role in the world if you’re just starting out – but respect for the deep dive! You are vulnerable from both sides when opposing users roam. Also, giving your opponent a massive lead is very damaging to your entire team. However, if you dominate in the middle, you’re a big win.
Passive: Pyromania
After using four abilities, Annie’s next offensive spell stuns the target.
Q: Resolution
Annie hurls a mana-infused fireball that deals damage. If the hit is fatal, the mana cost is refunded.
W: Burn
Annie throws a flaming cone of fire, damaging all nearby enemies.
E: Molten Shield
Grants Annie or an ally a shield, a movement speed boost, and enemies that attack her normally take damage.
R: Summon Tibbers
Annie summons her bear, Tibbers, to deal damage to nearby units. Tibbers can attack and burn nearby enemies.
Annie takes the top spot for learning the Mid role because last hits are much easier with the passive effect of her Q skill. It’s a powerful fireball that allows her to hit enemy minions and regain mana when they die. Even for the best this is a useful tool, for newbies it’s a godsend. She also represents a standard mid lane archetype – a powerful mage who provides valuable late-game stuns and area-of-effect damage. Your team will never hate you for putting in a decent Annie