Fans of the classic 90s adventure series “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” are still in shock after the news of Jason David Frank, who played Tommy the Green (and White) Ranger, passing away. Frank was a mainstay in the convention scene; hosting costume contests, martial arts workshops, and in general, a pretty cool guy to encounter as a fan.
Director Amy Jo Johnson, who played Kimberly the Pink Ranger in the original series, has been tweeting a lot about Frank. The two played a couple on the series off and on, which first aired in 1993. Tommy of course was the ‘bad boy,’ who starts his tenure on the show as a villain. He eventually gets reformed, and becomes an important part of the team.
Johnson has been sharing several videos, photos, and memories of Frank on her personal Twitter account.
Johnson also recently chatted with E! News about Frank:
Jason David Frank passed away on November 20th, 2022. He was 49 years old.