When deciding what type of a razor to use, what attributes do you look for?
- Ease of use and safety?
- The closeness of the shave?
- Ability to avoid shaving problems?
- Precision?
But maybe there’s an alternative to standard safety razors with all these features and more? If you know what you’re doing, the straight razor can be relatively easy to use; safe, precise, can get a closer shave than you would ordinarily, and helps to avoid typical shaving problems you might run into. Read on to find out the other advantages of using a straight razor.
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #1:
Straight Razors Are a Gentleman’s Tool
Originally, there were no safety razors. If you wanted to shave, you either went to the barber, or you used a straight razor to shave yourself. But the razor wasn’t typically a tool used in and of itself. It’s best when applied with the traditional disc or “puck” of foaming soap and a “stiff-bristled” brush. A wet, hot towel to wrap your face helps complete the luxurious experience.
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #2:
Using Straight Razors is Good Mental Exercise
Learning new skills that use the entire brain increases the brain’s cognitive function, memory, and coordination. Using a straight razor to shave has been demonstrated to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. Morning practitioners say this meditation makes them more productive. Evening shavers can also benefit by meditating or straight shaving an hour before bed, making it easier to fall asleep and increasing sleep quality.
Skills you’ll learn when using a straight razor:
Unless you’re looking to cut yourself to shreds, you’ll quickly learn to have a steady hand and practice good hand-eye coordination when using a straight razor. Using a straight razor is easy to master once you know shaving fundamentals.
But part of shaving with a straight razor is the care of the equipment.
- You’ll need to learn how to sharpen the blade
- Unless you want the handle to wear out faster, you’ll learn the proper angle to hold it.
- Part of straight blade care is knowing how to replace the handle (“scaling”) if it breaks.
- If you have a stiff bristle brush, you’ll need to know how to properly lather, keep them clean and when to replace it if it gets too worn
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #3
Using a Straight Razor is Cheaper in the Long Run
Granted, it can be expensive depending on where you get a straight razor. However, the cost is well worth it, as you’ll save money in the long run. More expensive models are made of high-quality German steel, typically have sturdy handles, and won’t dull as quickly. A straight razor of moderate quality will always outlast even a whole “clip” of disposable razors because it’s designed to be sharpened. Why? Even if the razor may need sharpening more often because of dulling or the handle may break more easily, these are minor inconveniences compared to the massive waste, environmental impact, and expense of constantly replacing and throwing out disposable razors.
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #4
Straight Razors Give You More Control
Using a straight razor grants you more control over shaving. How? Safety razors are mass-produced. Even the ones designed to be more flexible aren’t nearly as adaptable as the commercials would lead you to believe. Using a straight razor allows you to adapt your
- Shaving technique
- Pressure you use the blade
- The angle you hold the blade against your skin
to produce the best shave possible without having to change products. Using a straight razor also typically means taking care of it, as you’re not going to want to shell out the money for it again. If you don’t, it’ll rust, and you’ll have a bad experience with it.
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #5:
Straight Razors Shave Closer
It’s obvious that being closer shaved has a better, more professional result than one that leaves hair behind. Unfortunately, the closer the shave, the higher the risk of skin irritations, razor burns, bumps or pimples, and bleeding cuts. Straight razors do better than the “multiple blade” disposables on the market. True, they may be faster, and if you don’t know what you’re doing, “somewhat” safer, but they’ll be nowhere near as close or leave as smooth of a finish.
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #6:
Straight Razors Cause Less Irritation
Straight razors cause less irritation to the face for even those with sensitive skin because every time the blades of a disposable multiple-bladed razor passes over your face, each blade comes in contact with the face. If a single razor can remove it more efficiently and cleanly than the multi-bladed cartridge, wouldn’t that be better overall for your face?
Advantage of Using a Straight Razor #7
Straight Razor Shaving Helps Prevent Ingrown Hairs
Multi-blade razors tend to pull at hairs – as opposed to cutting them as a straight razor does. This tugging, tearing motion causes them to grow back at unnatural angles, thus causing them to be ingrown. It’s basically impossible to do this with a straight razor.