The main heroine of any gambling game, whether it is a game in a land-based casino or best online casino, is luck, because it depends on her goodwill whether you win or lose. Not surprisingly, that best online casino bonus Australia and a lot of good casino omens predict a successful game. Telling about the most popular omens gamblers.
Rituals for gamblers in the casino
The main rituals to poach luck and, as gamblers believe, cheat the algorithms of slot machines, are related to numbers. No wonder, because the game itself – this is primarily numbers, from the number of reels in the slot to the mathematical calculations in poker. In the lucky numbers many players believe – it may be the date of birth or simply the number associated with a pleasant event.
If we talk about online slots, it is recommended to have the lucky symbols near the computer when playing. As a rule, they are money symbols: the bigger they are, the higher the winnings that are obtained according to the signs. But near the screen is no place for small things – then the profit will be very small. Breadcrumbs on the keyboard also indicate tiny winnings, so they must be thrown away.
Superstition about gambling is also connected with the telephone. It is believed that a phone call or the sound of an incoming message can lead to a failure, so it is better to turn off the devices during the game. Such a recommendation also applies to social networks – it is better not to join them, either during or before the game.
Die-hard poker players know how to attract luck in poker: Rub the chips on the tablecloth and then place them in a special lucky pattern. Many believe that they can win only if they play with new cards, so they spoil the cards (for example, by bending them). Well, if the profit is small, it is better not to spend it and put it in a separate piggy bank. It is believed that the small change is able to attract larger sums.
Omens to win
Children are not only flowers of life, but also symbols of good luck. You can not meet them in the establishment, because the casino does not allow visitors under 18 years, but if a child happens to be near him – you can wait for the prize. A symbol of luck and is not a very pleasant situation – when the bird flew through and spoiled his clothes.
Luck chooses favorites not only among people, but also among the gaming tables: If you carefully monitor the game before it begins and takes a seat at the table, where sat the winner – it will not bypass his favor. This is how Dostoevsky is said to have done it, studying the course of the game at each of the tables before getting involved.
Omens that lose
An encounter with a black cat promises to fail in everything, including the game. But if in normal life a superstitious person it crossed paths with just goes the other way, the gambler is advised to give up that day, not only from gambling, but also from visiting casinos.
Another animal that can drive away luck is a dog, especially a noisy one that likes to bark. If a four-legged friend lives in the house, it should be locked in another room before playing. A bad omen is to look in the mirror before you play online casino ohne einschränkungen, you should not do that even out of laziness.
Lucky charms in gambling
In the past, it was believed that if you do not have a rabbit’s foot, you should not go to the game. Rabbit at the same recommended shooting in the cemetery. In the twenty-first century, such talismans seem wild, but they have been replaced by new ones.
The most common mascot is lucky clothes. Players believe that if they had luck once, they will have luck on their side next time if they dress the same way. Lite version of this belief – it is necessary to repeat from game to game, not the entire wardrobe, but only part of it – for example, to be in the same shoes. Well, if the talisman will not cope with its task and profits do not happen, then after the game, it must be carefully sprinkled with salt.
Outfit for the casino red color. Why exactly it is considered a symbol of luck is unknown, but many players have at least one piece of red clothing or underwear.
Talisman can be a person. Inveterate gamblers who go to the casino take a beautiful woman with them. Not only is she a moral support, but she can also help attract good luck by blowing on a deck of cards before the game begins.
Moji bags are amulets made from herbs that are believed to have magical properties. These are a variety of herbal collections, with barberry, verbena, lavender, wormwood and clover being particularly common.They have their own mascots and famous players. For example, the famous poker player Doyle Brunson believes that his luck is guaranteed thanks to the image of a good spirit on his lighter. And Sammy Farha’s mascot is an unlit cigarette that he holds in his mouth while playing poker, even though he doesn’t smoke.
What’s the significance?
Do all these strange rituals, omens and talismans have a meaning? Oddly enough, yes, and there is no mysticism or magic. The fact is that following omens or having a talisman gives players self-confidence, which means that they can better manage their emotions, control themselves and use various strategies, such as the Martingale system, in a balanced way. Although the use of such techniques is not a guarantee of luck, it at least makes it possible to manage one’s bankroll.
Finally, there is one more sign to mention. Luck loves those who live simply and do not chase it. Just let the situation run its course, forget about wins and losses, and start treating the game as entertainment, and luck will turn immediately. Finally, luck loves humor, courage and the ability to take failures lightly.