It’s hard not to love Cheetos. They’re crunchy, they’re snacky, and they’re cheesy — some might even say dangerously so. But they also produce that layer of sticky orange dust that clings to your fingertips and threatens to stain everything you touch forever. It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy Cheeto fingers — and it takes an entirely different, more creative kind of person to look at that build up of sparkly salt crystals and orange cheese build up and think “this would make a killer nail polish.” Apparently the people who work at Claire’s are the second type.

Yes, the store that seems to come pre-installed in every mall the way Solitaire comes pre-installed on a PC is now carrying official Cheetos nail polish. Not content to replicate the look and texture of the snack-run-staple, the nail polish is also scented. The nail polish set includes three different polishes at seven mL each — an orange dust for original, a vibrant red that harkens back to the Flamin’ Hot line, and gold for…gold, we guess. Claire’s describes the product as “a savory touch to your style” and “a Cheetos fan must have!” Cheetos fans beware: according to the reviews, the polish is orange-scented not cheese-snack-scented (thank goodness).
We’re not really sure what else to say about this product, other than you probably already know exactly who you want to buy this for. Maybe it’s a teenager riding that edge between “wacky enough to be cool” and “just plain wacky.” Maybe it’s an office mate who can never seem to say no to a gift and you want to watch them squirm when you present them this fashion nightmare. Or maybe it’s you, because you’ve been dying to find something to go with your Cheetos™ Lip Gloss Palette that you also got at Claire’s (yes, really). Whoever it is, now is the perfect time to snap it up, because it’s already on sale for 50% off and there’s no telling when they’ll sell out.