We are delighted to share the news that “Willow,” Disney+ series based on Ron Howard‘s classic fantasy film, is coming THIS year!
A teaser trailer was shown during Star Wars Celebration, as well as the official release date!
“There is only one Madmartigan in the ‘Willow’ universe, and it’s Val Kilmer,” Jonathan Kasdan said. “Madmartigan is a major figure in season one. We talked to Val a lot during filming.”
The series takes place 20 years after the film.
“Willow” hits Disney+ on November 30th, 2022.
Mary Anne Butler
Mary Anne Butler (Mab) has been part of the fast-paced world of journalism since she was 15, getting her start in album reviews and live concert coverage for a nationally published (print) music magazine. She eventually transitioned to online media, writing for such sites as UGO/IGN, ComicsOnline, Geek Magazine, Ace of Geeks, Aggressive Comix (where she is still Editor-in-Chief), Bleeding Cool (where she was News Editor), and now Nerdbot as Editor-In-Chief. Over the past 10 years, she’s built a reputation at conventions across the globe as a cosplayer (occasionally), photographer (constantly), panelist and moderator (mostly), and reporter (always). Interviews, reviews, observations, breaking news, and objective reporting are the name of the game for the founder of Harkonnen Knife Fight, a Dune-themed band with an international presence. Though she be but little, she is fierce.