Okay say what you will about the “Blade” trilogy…yes, they are absolutely a product of the time they were produced. Yes, maybe they’re not as awesome as we remember. But they kind of are? Starring Wesley Snipes as the black Marvel Comics day-walking vampire character, “Blade” SHOULD be the film we point to as starting the MCU.

I know, I know, that’s an unpopular opinion. But, it came before “Hulk.” It came before “Fantastic Four.” Hell, it even came before Sam Raimi‘s “Spider-Man.” (“Blade II” actually came out before those three films, too.)
All three Snipes “Blade” films are hitting Netflix starting April 1st, 2022. You better believe we’ll be marathoning them. Even “Trinity.” Because COME ON, we all knew in that one film Ryan Reynolds was Deadpool. Also Parker Posey in an inspired middle management role that just oozes awesome.
Marvel Studios is currently working on a new “Blade” film. Oscar winning actor Mahershala Ali will play the title character. Bassam Tariq will direct from a script by Stacy Osei-Kuffour. It currently has a release date of November 13th, 2023.