Whether you’re teaching in a K-12 school, a university, or a private language school, different students will take to your lessons differently. Some may enjoy reading exercises while others will gravitate toward speaking or essay writing.
Implementing technology and tools which they enable into your classroom can dramatically affect how you teach. It can help all students adapt to the learning curriculum at their own pace and allow them to soak in your teaching more efficiently. Let’s take a closer look at several terrific technology-based tools for foreign language learning.
Utilizing Tech-Based Tools in Foreign Language Classroom
When we discuss “technology” in the classroom, what are we referring to? After all, technology is all around us, and students have access to their smartphones, social media, and online platforms all the time. Some devices are uniquely suited to help you teach better, communicate with your students more effectively, and manage their learning experience better. Some of these devices include but are not limited to:
- Tablets
- Laptops
- Microphones (for voice-to-text input)
- Cameras (for remote classes)
- Digital blackboards
- Projectors
- Drawing pads (for writing exercises)
These are only some of the tech gadgets which you should look into when it comes to teaching foreign languages. Technology has changed the study process for the better over the years, and it is high time to adapt. Let’s also discuss which tech-based tools you should look out for when searching for the best ways to teach going forward.
1. Duolingo
Duolingo is a language-learning platform designed with gamification and bite-sized learning in mind. Using Duolingo in your classroom will open a plethora of exercise opportunities for your students to enjoy. The platform features dozens of languages and each one has hundreds of lessons divided based on complexity. This allows for gradual, steady learning no matter how proficient a student may be at the moment.
Recently, Duolingo has created a separate module for teachers and schools to monitor and analyze their students’ performance while learning. As we’ve mentioned, Duolingo is gamified, meaning that students earn points, experience, and gems for every lesson they complete, further extending its lifespan.
2. Drops
Visual stimuli are very useful in learning, especially with topics such as foreign languages which are entirely alien to some students. How do Drops fit into this? It is a visual-based learning tool that is designed with easy memorization and learning through association.
Drops have 11 conversational categories in which students can learn a new language. It features word puzzles, visual association exercises, and immersive learning unlike any other tech-based tool out there. Including it in your curriculum can open language learning to far more students and retain even those with short attention spans.
3. Rosetta Stone
One of the benefits of relying on online platforms for learning is the fact that many language learners are doing the same worldwide. Rosetta Stone is a platform designed with a global community of learners in mind. It features 25 different languages at the moment, and students can go from beginner to native in a matter of months.
Students can use this platform to write essays in foreign languages and then discuss them in your classroom. Using TheWordPoint for translation correction, editing, and rewriting is also a great idea since students can get a second opinion from professional translators. Check out Rosetta Stone and see how you can integrate it into your student group’s learning curriculum.
4. Quizlet
Pop quizzes, multiple-choice tests, and other types of exams are standard affairs during formal education. With Quizlet, you can introduce more fun and creative way of testing your students’ language competencies.
While the platform only features English, Spanish, German, and French as of this moment, each of these languages offers an assortment of quizzes to do. Everything from grammar to conversational language learning is covered in detail through Quizlet and its study model. These are designed to boost student memorization, speaking skills, and grammar familiarity. You can start slow and work your way through various quizzes in class as a group to gauge everyone’s interests in Quizlet and its content.
Wrapping Up
With so many digital devices available, students are likely to pick up new language learning tools on their own as well. Find the best tech-based tools which everyone enjoys using and integrate them into your classroom. Before you know it, you will lead your students to learn instinctively and to combine digital tools with traditional books with ease.