Facebook’s customer service is a joke for the most part. But you probably already know that if you clicked on this article. Let’s face it- when you want to get a hold of them it’s near impossible. Waiting for a response (if one comes at all) is slower than molasses. Usually when you want to talk to them it’s a pretty important reason. Like when your account is hacked or your kids picture is in use by a fake profile. Sometimes we all wish there was just a customer service line we could call instead of having to provide all our personal information. Like uploading a drivers license to prove we are who we say we are.
Well, thanks to a tip on Reddit people are gaming the system quite literally. Those who really want their account fixed have been buying the Facebook owned Oculus and contacting their customer service. To be able to use the Oculus you need to have an active Facebook account. So when calling customer service and providing proof that you now own an Oculus system, they’re able to help you restore access to your lost account.
I was able to successfully get back into my account, remove the hacker’s email address (which was cleverly chosen to mimic my own), disable the hacker’s 2FA, and reset everything with my own info. It doesn’t look like the hacker actually did much with my account while they had it, but I went though all of my groups, activity history, etc. to see what I could find or if there was any other damage control I needed to do.
u/thompsonbr87 Reddit
The next step is just taking the thing back to the store. All you need is the receipt and usually the store you got it at will take it back and PRC it back to the warehouse. Best Buy has a return policy of 14 days and they’ll put the money right back on your card.
A Mixed Bag
There is a mixed review of this method online. Some people are able to get their accounts back while others say they tried and failed. Not to mention that Facebook has temporarily halted the sales of the Oculus because the foam lining was causing skin irritation.
Not a problem for those that plan on just returning them. But it is a problem for those that want to play with the VR system.