If you wanted to get real spooky and LOVE “Beetlejuice,” here’s the deal. Spirit Halloween will be offering a 5.8 foot Beetlejuice animatronic that’s going to really set the mood this year. If you order him now, he’s expected to ship on or before September 15th.
Also. HE. TALKS.
And, you can be sure he’s going to go as fast as you can say Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
- Things he says:
- “I’m feeling a little, ooh, anxious if you know what I mean. It’s been about six hundred years after all. I wonder where a guy, an everyday Joe like myself, can find a little action”… “Now! Let’s turn on the juice and see what shakes loose.”
- “Whew, thank you, thank you. That’s why I won’t do two shows a night anymore. I won’t. I won’t do ‘em.” “Hey, These aren’t my rules. Come to think of it, I don’t have any rules.”
- “I attended Juillard. I’m a graduate of Harvard Business School. I travel extensively. I lived through the black plague, and I had a pretty good time doing that. I’ve see the Exorcist about 167 times and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it!”…. “I’m the ghost with the most babe.”
- “Say it once. Say it twice. Third times a charm!”….”JUST SAY IT!”….”It’s showtime!”
- “You know, you look like somebody I can relate to. Maybe you could help me get out of here, you know, because I got to tell you, this dead thing…it’s just too creepy. …..See, here’s my problem. I got these friends I said I’d meet, and it’s the kind of thing where I have to be there in person, so could you help me get out of here?”
The animatronic is sensor activated, has volume control and has an external speaker jack. You can order your very own Beetlejuice talking animatronic on Spirit’s website here.