If you have a stash of old games sitting in boxes unopened it may be time to get that stuff appraised and graded. Recently on Heritage Auctions an unopened box of Super Mario Bros. for the original Nintendo sold for over half a million dollars. We don’t know who has that kind of expendable income, but it does show that there is a market for it. And that they’ll buy it for a high price. The name of the buyer has not been released.
The cartridge was a high seller for a number of reasons. First the box was never opened so the cartridge was NRFB (Never removed from box). The grade on the item was an A+ and was scored a 9.6/10. Definitely one of the nicest copies left of the original Super Mario Bros. left in existence. The auction house said that it was bought for a Christmas gift and forgotten about. It sat in a drawer until years later when found and put up for auction.
“Since the production window for this copy and others like it was so short, finding another copy from this same production run in similar condition would be akin to looking for single drop of water in an ocean.”
Valarie McLeckie, Heritage’s video game specialist Via King5.com
Currently Heritage Auctions also has other cartridges of the game selling with the next highest price sitting at around $10,500. That one is graded a B so the difference between the two values is absolutely insane.