It may be November at the time I write this, but that doesn’t mean my Christmas tree hasn’t been up for weeks now. It’s missing one thing though- a nice topper. The one I have from Target doesn’t light up, (which is a bit disappointing) but not the end of the world. You know what would go great with my collection of Nintendo amiibos that sit on the shelf next to the tree? A light-up Super Mario Bros Star!
GameStop is currently selling this adorable Super Mario Bros star, and it’s going to be hard to pass up. Especially for those old school gamers who like to incorporate their love of video games into everything they do.
The star plugs in and lights up and is 6.5 inches tall. You can check out the listing for the star on GameStop’s website here.
Bonus points if the lights on your tree flash like the power up does in the game. Now your tree is invincible!