In a shocking turn of events, 343 Industries has announced the delay of “Halo Infinite.” Originally, the new Halo game was meant to be Microsoft’s big launch title for Xbox Series X. Instead, the game will now release in 2021 while the Xbox Series X launches this November with no major launch title.
Chris Lee, Studio Head of “Halo Infinite,” officially announced the delay on Twitter. In a statement, he has this to say:
“Today I want to share an important Halo Infinite development update with the community. We have the made the difficult decision to shift our release to 2021 to ensure the team has adequate time to deliver a Halo game experience that meets our vision.
The decision to shift our release is the result of multiple factors that have contributed to development challenges, including the ongoing COVID-related impacts affecting us all this year. I want to acknowledge the hard work from our team at 343 Industries, who have remained committed to making a great game and finding solutions to development challenges. However, it is not sustainable for the well-being of our team or the overall success of the game to ship it this holiday.”
“Halo Infinite” promises to be significantly different from previous Halo games. In fact, the title is meant to serve as a long-term platform for the franchise. “Halo Infinite” contains a map which suggests a more open-world experience. Additionally, Master Chief also has a grappling hook which adds a new dynamic to both traversal and combat. Multiplayer will available free-to-play for the title at launch and will support 120 frames per second on Xbox Series X. Hopefully, a longer development time means we can expect even more great additions to the title in the future.
You can read Chris Lee’s entire delay announcement here.