We just wanted to take a minute to say that Lynda Carter is amazing. She always has been, and she always will be. It’s wonderful when a person who brings to life a character so important to so many shares many of the traits of what makes the superhero super. Like Lynda Carter.

On her official Facebook page yesterday, she shared a pretty great tidbit with us all, that she still has her signature Wonder Woman bracelets.

“For many years, Wonder Woman fans have asked: Do you still have the bracelets?
I think there’s a certain association between a superhero and her costume or accessories that makes the bracelets so appealing. Here’s the secret, though: it was never about the bracelets. The power of Wonder Woman lies within every woman and girl who dares to be bold and brave in this world.
That said…the answer is yes. I do have the bracelets, and wearing them still makes me feel like a total badass!”
? Little Fang Photography
Thank you, Lynda Carter. We needed that.