I’m such a fan of Curry. Whether it be over noodles, rice, or whatever I can actually find. it’s one of those comfort foods that I just find no matter the season it’s always the best time to have it. But if you’ve ever made it, then you know it takes forever to make. And then you have to wait for the rice to cook, I mean sure you can try I cook them both at the same time but let’s be honest, one of them will be done before the other one. And have you ever had mushy rice and/or stale rice? It’s the worst!
Well, Japan’s Oak Lawn Marketing has created the Twin Chef. It is a rice and Curry maker. Yes you read that right rice and Curry. You can actually make them at the same time and guess what everything comes out perfect. And when I say perfect I mean perfect. But you can also use it for not only Curry but also for different types of soups stews even a steamer. Here take a look.
If you didn’t notice you can also make pancakes or cake in this sucker as well. How cool is that?
This little guy retails for 19,800 Yen which is roughly about $180. A big price tag I know, but the fact that I can cook both of these at the same time just might be worth it if you ask me.
Nerdbot does not make anything off the sale of this item, we just thought you’d like to know.