Recently I was able to get my hands on a few Star Wars kitchen items to go with my new place. It’s not until you move that you begin to realize that maybe you don’t have everything you need. And that’s about the time you go internet shopping. Sure you can go with Amazon or Target, but for the kind of kitchen I wanted the place I found with the coolest assortment was Toynk. Here are some things I was able to pick up and how they worked out!
Darth Vader & Storm Trooper Salt and Pepper Shakers

Now these are great but I do have an issue with the seal at the bottom. I put my finger at the bottom and have pushed in the stopper 2x already. I think if you put a tiny bit of glue around part of it that would help keep it on. It’s probably a me problem and everyone else would do fine with it. And only ever happens on the salt one because let’s face it no one uses pepper as much as they use salt. They sit on top of my stove top and really bring some cool energy to the kitchen.
Millennium Falcon Spatula

Since there are prongs on this it is a little difficult to make scrambled eggs. In fact the best use is for display and also… Pancakes!! Which when it really comes down to it isn’t that the best thing ever?
Coffee Mug

Pretty simple, it’s for coffee. And it serves up just the right amount because some cups are too big and others are too small. This one is just right and great for offering to company for those morning talks.
R2D2 Tea Pot

While I don’t really know how to use a tea pot this one is really cute for collecting. It is definitely one of the best tea pots I’ve ever seen, and I have seen a lot. Funnily enough my mom collects them but I don’t think we have ever used one.
Oven Mitt and Apron

These are super handy. Get it? Because the oven mitt. They are cute and go with the theme I was looking to complete.
Lightsaber Barbecue Tongs with Sound

“Lightsaber noise here”. These are great for scaring people and flipping your meat over. Probably my favorite thing to do with them is go up behind someone and activate the sound. It did take me a while to figure out how to use them because it is a slide button but once I asked my husband it became clear that I may not be one with the force. He figured it out immediately. He must have a higher midiclorine level than me…
BB8 Cutting Board

One of the things I was most grateful for having was a cutting board when we moved. Because it turns out apartments in the 80’s weren’t made with the ones inside the counter! Or at least mine wasn’t. So I got this cool cutting board I use everyday. And since it’s glass on top it is super clean and sanitary.
The best part about all of these is that they come in a cool cheap set that you can pick up that includes the oven mitt, cutting board, salt and pepper shakers, and spatula! You can check it out here by following the link.
What kind of fandom do you have in your kitchen? Tell us in the comments!