Due to popular demand, Blizzard has recently rereleased World of Warcraft Classic.
Long-time fans rejoiced at being about to enjoy the experience of vanilla WoW all over again. Blizzard made sure that every aspect of the experience was as close to the original release as possible.

While this may have left a lot of fans with little free time on their hands, that didn’t stop Daniel L from recreating a photorealistic version of Stormwind City, one of the most iconic Alliance cities, using Unreal Engine 4.
Unreal Engine 4 is one of the most powerful software available on the market, and Epic Games allows users to use it for free! Scroll to the bottom to get the link to download it. Check out the videos below to see what is it capable of.
World of Warcraft Classic Renders are Gorgeous
These beautiful renders of World of Warcraft Classic’s locales are gorgeous. We hope someone offers Daniel L, the creator of these videos, a job, soon. We can’t wait to see games on the market of this quality. Hopefully, soon, we will have the option of playing World of Warcraft with a photorealistic setting.
Since Unreal Engine 4 was released, Daniel L has recreated some of World of Warcraft’s most iconic locations, including Elwynn Forest, Durotar, Westfall, Grizzly Hills, Stormwind City, and Goldshire.
Check out the World of Warcraft Unreal Engine 4 Compilation
We Would Love to Stroll Through Elwynn Forest with our WoW Characters
Unreal Engine 4 is Free
Learning how to make games or videos? Teaching someone? The Unreal Engine Education edition is free to use! Maybe the next epic game or video made using the Unreal Engine will be made by you!
Check out Daniel L’s YouTube Channel to see his other epic videos!